Batman/Superman World's Finest, Vol. 1: The Devil Nezha


SKU: BKGN0005573N

  • Autor: Mark Wade
  • Editura: DC Comics
  • Coperta: Coperta moale
  • Numar pagini: 160
  • Link către GoodReads: Vezi
  • Tema: Batman, DC Comics, Superman

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The Dark Knight. The Man of Steel. They are the two finest superheroes that the world has ever known... and they’re together again in an epic new series from the legendary talents of Mark Waid and Dan Mora!

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Batman/Superman World's Finest, Vol. 1: The Devil Nezha
Dimensiuni carte:
DC Comics
Ecranizare, Fantezie, Horror, Stiintifico-fantastic
Batman/Superman World's Finest, Vol. 1: The Devil Nezha
128,79 Lei

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Descriere completă a produsului

The Dark Knight. The Man of Steel. They are the two finest superheroes that the world has ever known... and they’re together again in an epic new series from the legendary talents of Mark Waid and Dan Mora!

Get ready, it’s time to soar!

In the not-too-distant past, Superman’s powers are super-charged from a devastating chemical attack by the villain Metallo... and the only ally that the ultra-powerful Man of Tomorrow can turn to in this turbulent hour is Gotham’s own dark vengeance: dynamic duo: Batman and Robin! A nearly fatal burst of power drives Bruce Wayne to his own extreme measures to help his friend... enlisting none other than the Doom Patrol for aid.

From the legendary talents of Mark Waid and Dan Mora, two of the world’s finest superheroes are together again in an epic new comic book experience. Don’t miss the kick-off to next big events in the DCU!

Collecting the critically acclaimed World’s Finest prelude story from Detective Comics #1050 and issues 1-5 of the best-selling Batman/Superman World’s Finest title!

Toate caracteristicile

Categorii Librarie
Benzi desenate și romane grafice
Autor Mark Wade
Editura DC Comics
Аnul 2024
Coperta Coperta moale
Numar pagini 160
Felul produsului Romane grafice
Genuri Stiintifico-fantastic, Fantezie, Ecranizare, Horror
Tema Batman, DC Comics, Superman
Limba Engleză
Nationalitate Americana
Ediție Ilustrat
Ilustratii Colorate
Vârsta 17+
Greutate 0.26 kg
Barcode 9781779524706
ISBN 9781779524706
Link către GoodReads Vezi
Dimensiunea pachetului 16.9 x 25.8 x 6 cm
Număr de catalog BKHL18585


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