Batman, Vol. 5: Fear State


SKU: BKGN0003555N

  • Autor: James Tynion IV
  • Editura: DC Comics
  • Coperta: Coperta tare
  • Numar pagini: 160
  • Tema: Batman, DC Comics

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Gotham City is on the brink of martial law as Batman fights a two-front battle! The Scarecrow is unleashing a devasting attack on the city while the Magistrate have made their move to invade! Includes Batman #112-117.

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Batman, Vol. 5: Fear State
Dimensiuni carte:
DC Comics
Aventura, Fantezie, Stiintifico-fantastic
Batman, Vol. 5: Fear State
125,99 Lei

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Descriere completă a produsului

Gotham City is on the brink of martial law as Batman fights a two-front battle! The Scarecrow is unleashing a devasting attack on the city while the Magistrate have made their move to invade!

The Batman: The The Joker War creative team of James Tynion IV and Jorge Jimenez continue their epic run with Gotham City on the brink of a violent evolutionary path and the danger level to Batman and his allies reaching a fever pitch! The Magistrate now have full support from the mayor to handle high-level law enforcement in Gotham and have branded the Dark Knight as Public Enemy #1. Batman must also contend with the return of the Scarecrow who pursues his own terrifying agenda as he takes this chaotic moment to launch his FEAR STATE.

Includes Batman #112-117.

Toate caracteristicile

Autor James Tynion IV
Editura DC Comics
Аnul 2022
Coperta Coperta tare
Numar pagini 160
Felul produsului Romane grafice
Genuri Stiintifico-fantastic, Aventura, Fantezie
Tema Batman, DC Comics
Limba Engleză
Nationalitate Americana
Ediție Ilustrat
Ilustratii Colorate
Greutate 0.447 kg
Barcode 9781779514301
ISBN 9781779514301
Dimensiunea pachetului 27 x 2 x 18 cm
Număr de catalog BKHL14289


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