BRZRKR: Bloodlines, Vol. 1


SKU: BKGN0005613N

  • Autor: Киану Рийвс
  • Editura: Boom! Studios
  • Coperta: Coperta moale
  • Numar pagini: 112
  • Link către GoodReads: Vezi

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Livrare standard din 05.08.2024 pana pe 07.08.2024

Discover the brutal hidden history of Keanu Reeves’ record-shattering immortal warrior’s saga, soon to be adapted for Netflix! Collects: Poetry of Madness #1 and Fallen Empire #1.

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BRZRKR: Bloodlines, Vol. 1
Dimensiuni carte:
Boom! Studios
Aventura, Fantezie, Stiintifico-fantastic
BRZRKR: Bloodlines, Vol. 1
114,49 Lei

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Descriere completă a produsului

Discover the brutal hidden history of Keanu Reeves’ record-shattering immortal warrior’s saga, soon to be adapted for Netflix!

Renowned filmmaker and record-shattering comic creator Keanu Reeves is joined by writer/artist Steve Skroce (The Matrix, Post Americana), screenwriter and director Mattson Tomlin (A Vicious Circle, The Batman Part II), and artist Rebekah Isaacs (Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Money Shot) for a pair of self-contained stories set within the 80,000 year history of BRZRKR!

In Poetry of Madness, a sea of gore and devastation awaits as B., through a fateful chance encounter, safeguards the advanced and ancient realm of Atlantis as its unstoppable protector. But a sickly monarch serves as a symbol for the rot inside, as the security and bliss created through B.’s violence is shallow...the cracks created by a secret cult might spell a monstrous end for the legendary city, one beyond even B.’s ability to save.

In Fallen Empire, a former kingdom eradicated by the BRZRKR has a single living survivor. She and her people knew B. as the God King. In this tragic story of death and cataclysm, the survivor recounts a fable in which lost love, manipulation, and warring empires brought out the very worst of Unute... but is the fable’s narrator reliable? What might the survivor be hiding?

Collects: Poetry of Madness #1 and Fallen Empire #1.

Toate caracteristicile

Categorii Librarie
Benzi desenate și romane grafice
Autor Киану Рийвс
Editura Boom! Studios
Аnul 2024
Coperta Coperta moale
Numar pagini 112
Felul produsului Romane grafice
Genuri Stiintifico-fantastic, Aventura, Fantezie
Limba Engleză
Ediție Ilustrat
Ilustratii Colorate
Vârsta 18+
Greutate 0.227 kg
Barcode 9781608861491
ISBN 9781608861491
Link către GoodReads Vezi
Dimensiunea pachetului 16.83 x 25.88 x 0.76 cm


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