Mortal Follies


SKU: BKFN0009706N

  • Autor: Alexis Hall
  • Editura: Gollancz
  • Coperta: Coperta moale
  • Numar pagini: 392
  • Link către GoodReads: Vezi

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Livrare standard din 07.08.2024 pana pe 09.08.2024

A young noblewoman must join forces with a rumoured witch to conquer an ancient curse in this devilishly funny and heartwarming sapphic Regency romantasy from TikTok titan and bestselling author of Boyfriend Material Alexis Hall.

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78,10 Lei
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Mortal Follies
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Mortal Follies
78,10 Lei

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Descriere completă a produsului

A young noblewoman must join forces with a rumoured witch to conquer an ancient curse in this devilishly funny and heartwarming sapphic Regency romantasy from TikTok titan and bestselling author of Boyfriend Material Alexis Hall

It is the year 1814 and Miss Maelys Mitchelmore finds her entry into the highest society of Bath hindered by an irritating curse. It begins innocuously enough, with her dress slowly unmaking itself over the course of an evening at the ball of the season, a scandal she only narrowly manages to escape.

However, as the curse progresses to more fatal proportions, she realises she must seek out urgent assistance, even if that means mixing with the most undesirable company-and there are few less desirable allies than the brooding Lady Georgiana Landrake-who may or may not have murdered her own father and brothers to inherit their fortune.

If one is to believe the gossip, she might be some kind of malign enchantress. Then again, a malign enchantress might be exactly what Miss Mitchelmore needs.

Toate caracteristicile

Categorii Librarie
Science-fiction, fantezie și groază
Autor Alexis Hall
Editura Gollancz
Аnul 2024
Coperta Coperta moale
Numar pagini 392
Felul produsului Romane
Genuri Romantice
Limba Engleză
Nationalitate Britanica
Greutate 0.292 kg
Barcode 9781399616454
ISBN 9781399616454
Link către GoodReads Vezi
Dimensiunea pachetului 12.8 x 19.6 x 3 cm


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