Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 3: Battle for Gamorra


SKU: BKGN0005619N

  • Autor: Tom Taylor
  • Editura: DC Comics
  • Coperta: Coperta moale
  • Numar pagini: 136
  • Tema: DC Comics, Superman

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Livrare standard din 02.10.2024 pana pe 04.10.2024

Jonathan Kent has faced many challenges on the way to becoming Superman, but what will he do when faced with metahuman bombs? Collects Superman: Son of Kal-El #11-15.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 3: Battle for Gamorra
Dimensiuni carte:
DC Comics
Aventura, Ecranizare, Fantezie, Stiintifico-fantastic
Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 3: Battle for Gamorra
83,99 Lei

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Descriere completă a produsului

A new Man of Steel for a new era! Jonathan Kent dons his father’s cape as the 21st century Superman

Jonathan Kent has faced many challenges on the way to becoming Superman, but what will he do when faced with metahuman bombs? Jon and his journalist boyfriend Jay must unravel the secrets of dictator Henry Bendix’s Rising before all the heroes of the DCU fall before the explosive threat. The mysterious heroine called Dreamer foresees a horrible outcome to the battle that’s coming... but does that prediction also hold the key to Superman avoiding that terrible fate? Jon, Jay, and the super-activists called the Revolutionaries attack Bendix head-on, with Bendix’s technology turning friends and loved ones into deadly foes!

Superstar writer Tom Taylor (DCeased, Injustice) teams with visionary artist John Timms (Future State: Superman of Metropolis) to tell the saga of the 21st century Superman!

Collects Superman: Son of Kal-El #11-15.

Toate caracteristicile

Categorii Librarie
Benzi desenate și romane grafice
Autor Tom Taylor
Editura DC Comics
Аnul 2024
Coperta Coperta moale
Numar pagini 136
Felul produsului Romane grafice
Genuri Stiintifico-fantastic, Aventura, Fantezie, Ecranizare
Tema DC Comics, Superman
Limba Engleză
Nationalitate Americana
Ediție Ilustrat
Ilustratii Colorate
Vârsta 16+
Greutate 0.215 kg
Barcode 9781779524973
ISBN 9781779524973
Dimensiunea pachetului 16.9 x 25.9 x 1 cm
Număr de catalog BKHL19170


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