The Art of Darksiders Genesis


SKU: BKFN0009684N

  • Autor: Colectiv
  • Editura: Udon Entertainment
  • Coperta: Coperta tare
  • Numar pagini: 200
  • Link către GoodReads: Vezi
  • Tema: Darksiders

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Livrare standard din 06.09.2024 pana pe 09.09.2024

The Art of Darksiders Genesis gathers the epic artwork behind this unique new installment in the franchise, and includes character designs, rough concepts, environments, storyboards, and more.

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321,95 Lei
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The Art of Darksiders Genesis
Dimensiuni carte:
Udon Entertainment
Fantezie, Pe joc
The Art of Darksiders Genesis
321,95 Lei

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Descriere completă a produsului

Darksiders: Genesis is an action/adventure game that tears its way through hordes of demons, angels, and everything in-between on its way to Hell and back with guns blazing and swords swinging. Showcasing the introduction of the Horseman Strife and the return of his brother War, Genesis gives players their first look at the world of Darksiders before the events of the Apocalypse.

The Art of Darksiders Genesis gathers the epic artwork behind this unique new installment in the franchise, and includes character designs, rough concepts, environments, storyboards, and more. Darksiders Genesis also heralds the return of series creator Joe Madureira (Battle Chasers, Uncanny X-men) alongside his development studio, Airship Syndicate.

Toate caracteristicile

Categorii Librarie
Zona gaming
Autor Colectiv
Editura Udon Entertainment
Аnul 2020
Coperta Coperta tare
Numar pagini 200
Felul produsului Cărți artă
Genuri Pe joc, Fantezie
Tema Darksiders
Limba Engleză
Ediție Ilustrat
Ilustratii Colorate, Alb-negru
Greutate 1.18 kg
Barcode 9781772941302
ISBN 9781772941302
Link către GoodReads Vezi
Dimensiunea pachetului 22.9 x 30.5 x 5 cm
Număr de catalog BKHL19291


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