The Paris Novel


SKU: BKFN0009531N

  • Autor: Рут Райшил
  • Editura: Magpie Books
  • Coperta: Coperta moale
  • Numar pagini: 288
  • Link către GoodReads: Vezi

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Livrare standard din 07.08.2024 pana pe 09.08.2024

The Paris Novel - the gorgeously uplifting new novel about living - and eating - deliciously. Ruth Reichl is one of our greatest storytellers. No one writes as warmly and engagingly about the all-important intersection of food, life, love, and loss.

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The Paris Novel
Dimensiuni carte:
Magpie Books
Contemporane, Romane gastronomie
The Paris Novel
78,10 Lei

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Descriere completă a produsului

The last word anyone would use to describe Stella St. Vincent is adventurous. She's perfectly comfortable with the familiar, strict routines of her life as a copyeditor in New York. Or at least, she is until she receives a mysterious note from her late mother and a one-way plane ticket to Paris.

Alone and overwhelmed in a foreign city, Stella avoids new people and ventures out as little as possible. But then she meets Jules, an octogenarian art collector with very different ideas about how she should spend her time in the French capital. And to start with, there's a vintage Dior dress with her name on it.

Somewhere between the cramped shelves of Shakespeare and Company bookshop, the crisp tablecloths of the Brasserie Les Deux Magots and a pile of discarded paintings at a busy flea market, long-buried truths about Stella's own past begin to emerge. Soon she starts to wonder if there might not have been more to her mother's suggestion than she first suspected...

Toate caracteristicile

Categorii Librarie
Proza mondială
Autor Рут Райшил
Editura Magpie Books
Аnul 2024
Coperta Coperta moale
Numar pagini 288
Felul produsului Romane
Genuri Romane gastronomie, Contemporane
Limba Engleză
Nationalitate Americana
Greutate 0.25 kg
Barcode 9780861548835
ISBN 9780861548835
Link către GoodReads Vezi
Dimensiunea pachetului 12.9 x 19.8 x 2.1 cm


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