The Silverblood Promise


SKU: BKFN0009491N

  • Autor: James Logan
  • Editura: Quercus
  • Coperta: Coperta moale
  • Numar pagini: 608
  • Link către GoodReads: Vezi

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Livrare standard din 07.08.2024 pana pe 09.08.2024

The first in an extraordinary new fantasy epic, perfect for fans of Nicholas Eames and James Islington! In Saphrona, everything has a price - and the price of truth is the deadliest of all.

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125,99 Lei
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The Silverblood Promise
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The Silverblood Promise
125,99 Lei

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Descriere completă a produsului

The first in an extraordinary new fantasy epic, perfect for fans of Nicholas Eames and James Islington!

Lukan Gardova is a cardsharp, academy dropout, and - thanks to a duel that ended badly - the disgraced heir to an ancient noble house. His life consists of cheap wine, rigged card games and wondering how he might win back the life he threw away.

When Lukan discovers that his estranged father has been murdered in strange circumstances, he finds fresh purpose. Deprived of his chance to make amends for his mistakes, he vows to unravel the mystery behind his father's death.

His search for answers leads him to Saphrona, fabled city of merchant princes, where anything can be bought if one has the coin. Lukan only seeks the truth, but instead he finds danger and secrets in every shadow.

For in Saphrona, everything has a price - and the price of truth is the deadliest of all.

Toate caracteristicile

Categorii Librarie
Science-fiction, fantezie și groază
Autor James Logan
Editura Quercus
Аnul 2024
Coperta Coperta moale
Numar pagini 608
Felul produsului Romane
Genuri Fantezie
Limba Engleză
Nationalitate Britanica
Greutate 0.72 kg
Barcode 9781529432817
ISBN 9781529432817
Link către GoodReads Vezi
Dimensiunea pachetului 15.4 x 23.2 x 4.8 cm


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